Penetration Testing, Ethical Hacking & Simulation


At Invict, we specialize in providing Compromise Assessment and Ethical Hacking services to help organizations safeguard their digital infrastructure.

A Compromise Assessment is a comprehensive investigation led by our expert cybersecurity team to detect if your systems or network have been compromised by unauthorized entities. This process identifies breaches and provides clarity on any latent threats that may be present in your environment.

Our Ethical Hacking services, also known as Penetration Testing or White-Hat Hacking, involve authorized, highly skilled professionals simulating attacks on your systems, networks, applications, and digital assets to identify vulnerabilities and assess their security. Leveraging proprietary tools and techniques, our ethical hackers ensure a detailed evaluation of your defenses.





Secure Your IT Environment with Confidence

Safeguard your digital assets with unwavering confidence. Partner with Invict to protect your IT systems and enhance your organization’s security, compliance, and operational efficiency. Contact us today for advanced, customized cybersecurity solutions designed to defend your business against ever-evolving threats.

Learn more about our services:





External penetration testing

An external penetration test is a comprehensive security evaluation of an organization’s internet-facing systems, often referred to as the perimeter. These systems, which are directly accessible from the internet, form the first line of defense against cyber threats and are inherently more exposed, making them frequent targets for attackers. Given their high visibility, perimeter systems are at a heightened risk of being exploited if not properly secured.

At Invict, we perform rigorous assessments on your externally facing assets, including firewalls, web servers, VPNs, and any other public-facing infrastructure. Our highly skilled security experts go beyond automated scans by manually verifying vulnerabilities to ensure accuracy. Once vulnerabilities are identified, we assess their potential exploitability, simulating real-world attack scenarios to determine the severity and impact of each issue.

By adopting a proactive approach through external penetration testing, we help you identify and mitigate weaknesses before they can be exploited by malicious actors. This not only strengthens your perimeter defenses but also significantly reduces the risk of a successful cyber attack, ensuring that your most exposed systems remain secure and resilient.





Purple Team Exercises

At Invict, our Purple Team Exercises are designed to integrate offensive and defensive cybersecurity efforts, creating a seamless collaboration between your internal teams or external partners. This service brings together the expertise of both the Red Team (attackers) and the Blue Team (defenders) to improve detection, response, and prevention mechanisms in a controlled, iterative environment.

Our Purple Team Exercises are conducted by seasoned cybersecurity professionals with deep expertise in both offensive and defensive security. We utilize the latest tools, techniques, and methodologies to simulate real-world attacks, ensuring your organization is prepared for the ever-evolving cyber threat landscape. Our approach is customized to meet your specific security needs, and we work closely with your teams to provide actionable insights and foster a culture of continuous security improvement.

How Purple Team Exercises Work:

  • Collaborative Testing: Our Red team testers simulates sophisticated attack methods, targeting your systems and networks, while the Blue Team actively monitors, detects, and responds to these simulated attacks. This dynamic interaction helps uncover weaknesses in both offensive tactics and defensive measures.
  • Tailored Threat Scenarios: Our Purple Team exercises are customized to reflect the specific threats your organization faces, including Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs), zero-day vulnerabilities, or targeted phishing campaigns.
  • Continuous Feedback Loop: After each attack simulation, the Blue Team receives immediate feedback on how they performed, and the Red Team adapts their tactics based on the defensive measures encountered.
  • Improved Detection & Response: Purple Team exercises help your Blue Team refine their detection capabilities by providing hands-on experience against known attack techniques. This leads to improved configuration of security tools such as SIEMs, EDRs, and firewalls, as well as more efficient incident response workflows.
  • Enhanced Security Maturity: These exercises not only sharpen your team’s skills but also provide invaluable insights into gaps in your security architecture. By understanding how attackers breach defenses and how defenders can more effectively stop them, you’ll significantly enhance the maturity of your overall security program.




Risk Assesment


Web and Mobile Application Penetration Testing

At Invict, our Web and Mobile Application Penetration Testing services are designed to identify and mitigate vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers in your critical digital assets. As web and mobile applications become increasingly integral to business operations, ensuring their security is paramount to protecting sensitive data, maintaining user trust, and ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

Key Features of Our Penetration Testing Service:

  • Comprehensive Vulnerability Assessment: We conduct an in-depth evaluation of your web and mobile applications, including user authentication mechanisms, input validation, session management, and data storage. Our testing methodologies follow industry standards such as OWASP Top 10 and SANS Top 25, ensuring that no critical vulnerability goes undetected.

  • Manual and Automated Testing: While automated tools help identify common vulnerabilities, our expert penetration testers perform detailed manual testing to uncover complex security flaws that automated scanners might miss. This hybrid approach ensures a more thorough and accurate assessment of your applications.

  • Real-World Attack Simulations: We simulate real-world attacks to assess the resilience of your applications against threats such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), broken authentication, insecure APIs, and other advanced exploitation techniques.

  • Mobile-Specific Security Testing: For mobile applications, we evaluate platform-specific risks across iOS and Android, including insecure data storage, improper session handling, and API vulnerabilities. This ensures your mobile apps are secured against threats unique to mobile environments.

  • Detailed Reporting and Remediation Guidance: Following the assessment, we provide a comprehensive report detailing all identified vulnerabilities, their potential impact, and prioritized recommendations for remediation. Our team works closely with your development and security teams to ensure swift mitigation and future-proofing of your applications.





Code Review and API Security Testing

At Invict, our Code Review and API Security Testing services provide a comprehensive assessment of your application’s codebase and APIs to identify vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. With the increasing reliance on APIs to connect applications and services, ensuring their security is essential to safeguarding sensitive data and maintaining a robust security posture.

Key Features of Our Code Review and API Security Testing:

  • Thorough Code Review: Our experts conduct a line-by-line review of your application’s source code, identifying coding errors, insecure practices, and potential vulnerabilities such as injection flaws, insecure dependencies, and improper error handling. This in-depth review helps detect issues that may not surface during runtime or dynamic testing.

  • API Vulnerability Assessment: APIs are often the backbone of modern applications, facilitating communication between systems. Our API security testing focuses on identifying vulnerabilities such as broken authentication, insufficient rate limiting, insecure data exposure, and improper error handling. We ensure your APIs follow industry standards such as OWASP API Security Top 10.

  • Manual and Automated Analysis: While automated tools provide a broad overview of common issues, our security engineers perform manual analysis to identify complex logic flaws, business logic vulnerabilities, and other subtle issues often missed by automated scans.

  • Authentication and Authorization Testing: We verify that your APIs properly enforce authentication and authorization mechanisms, ensuring that only legitimate users can access sensitive endpoints and data. This includes testing for token validation, role-based access control (RBAC), and multi-factor authentication (MFA).

  • Input Validation and Data Handling: We test for vulnerabilities related to user input, such as injection attacks (SQL, XSS), improper input validation, and insecure data transmission. This ensures that your APIs handle requests securely, without exposing sensitive data or opening doors to exploitation.

  • Comprehensive Reporting and Mitigation: After the testing is completed, we deliver a detailed report highlighting all identified vulnerabilities, their potential impact, and tailored recommendations for remediation. Our team will guide your developers through the remediation process, helping you secure your codebase and APIs effectively.



Risk Assesment


Ransomware Simulation

At Invict, our Ransomware Simulation service provides a realistic and controlled environment to test your organization’s ability to detect, respond, and recover from ransomware attacks. With ransomware threats becoming more sophisticated and destructive, it is crucial to assess your defenses, preparedness, and response strategies against such incidents.

Key Features of Our Ransomware Simulation:

  • Realistic Attack Scenarios: Our simulation mimics real-world ransomware attacks, from initial infection vectors (e.g., phishing, compromised credentials) to lateral movement within your network. We craft tailored scenarios that reflect the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) used by actual ransomware groups.

  • End-to-End Incident Simulation: The simulation includes the entire ransomware attack lifecycle—initial compromise, encryption of critical assets, ransom demands, and potential data exfiltration. This helps your team understand the full scope of an attack and identify areas of improvement in each phase.

  • Testing of Detection & Response Capabilities: We evaluate the effectiveness of your security controls, such as endpoint detection and response (EDR), anti-malware solutions, firewalls, and monitoring systems. We also test the readiness and effectiveness of your incident response (IR) team, including the speed of detection and the efficiency of containment and recovery efforts.

  • Business Continuity and Data Recovery Testing: Our ransomware simulation assesses your organization’s ability to maintain business continuity and restore operations after a ransomware attack. This includes evaluating backup and disaster recovery strategies to ensure that your data can be restored without paying a ransom.

  • Customizable and Safe Environment: The simulation is tailored to your organization’s unique infrastructure, business processes, and risk profile. We ensure that the simulation is safe, with no risk of actual data encryption or harm to your environment. Instead, we focus on replicating the attack to provide valuable insights.

  • Executive Reporting and Lessons Learned: After the exercise, we provide a detailed report with a breakdown of the attack, the effectiveness of your defenses, and recommended actions for improving security and response measures. This report helps inform executive decisions and enables organizations to refine their ransomware playbooks and incident response plans.






Penetration Testing, Ethical Hacking & Simulation


Contact Us Today

to schedule your free comprehensive cybersecurity consultation.

During this in-depth consultation, we will conduct a meticulous evaluation of your organization’s cybersecurity landscape. Our assessment will encompass a thorough review of your network architecture, security controls, threat exposure, and risk management frameworks. The objective is to obtain a holistic understanding of your security posture—how it operates, where potential vulnerabilities may reside, and how effectively it supports your broader business strategy. Most importantly, we will collaborate with you to understand your specific security objectives, ensuring that our tailored solutions not only mitigate risk but also align with your long-term vision for resilience and growth.